This PowerPoint presentation describes the recommended annotation strategy for Drosophila projects. The presentation provides an overview of the goals of the GEP annotation project, an introduction to NCBI BLAST, web databases, and the issue of reading frames and phase.
This walkthrough uses the annotation of a gene on the D. biarmipes Muller F element to illustrate the GEP comparative annotation strategy. This document shows how you can investigate a feature in an annotation project using FlyBase, the Gene Record Finder, and the gene prediction and RNA-Seq evidence tracks on the GEP UCSC Genome Browser. The walkthrough then shows how you can identify the coordinates of each coding exon using NCBI BLAST, and also includes a discussion on the phases of the donor and acceptor splice sites. The walkthrough concludes by verifying the proposed gene model using the Gene Model Checker; it also includes a sample GEP Annotation Report.
This PowerPoint presentation provides a brief primer on the recommended annotation strategy for Drosophila projects. The presentation provides an overview of the goals of the GEP annotation project, an introduction to RNA-Seq, web databases, and a discussion on the phases of the splice donor and acceptor sites.
This exercise was developed by Dr. Anya Goodman (California Polytechnic State University) and Dr. James Youngblom (California State University, Stanislaus). This exercise engages students in annotating genomic DNA from less famous species of Drosophila while teaching basic bioinformatics skills.
Dr. Justin R. DiAngelo (Penn State Berks) has developed an exercise that takes students through a series of steps to annotate a gene in a Drosophila biarmipes contig. Students will construct a gene model using gene predictions, BLASTX searches, and the GEP UCSC Genome Browser mirror. Students will then verify their final gene model using the Gene Model Checker.
Developed by Dr. Ken Saville (Albion College) and Dr. Gerard McNeil (York College, City University of New York), this walkthrough provides a comprehensive overview of the entire GEP gene annotation process. This walkthrough includes a brief description of the research problem and step-by-step instructions on how to use the UCSC Genome Browser, FlyBase, the Gene Record Finder and NCBI BLAST to investigate a feature in a Drosophila erecta Muller F element annotation project. The walkthrough then shows how students can use the Gene Model Checker to verify a gene model; it also includes a sample GEP Annotation Report.