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Introduction to the Complete GEP Gene Annotation Process

Developed by Dr. Ken Saville (Albion College) and Dr. Gerard McNeil (York College, City University of New York), this walkthrough provides a comprehensive overview of the entire GEP gene annotation process. This walkthrough includes a brief description of the research problem and step-by-step instructions on how to use the UCSC Genome Browser, FlyBase, the Gene Record Finder and NCBI BLAST to investigate a feature in a Drosophila erecta Muller F element annotation project. The walkthrough then shows how students can use the Gene Model Checker to verify a gene model; it also includes a sample GEP Annotation Report.

Using BLAST and ExPASy for Genetic and Protein Analysis of H1N1 Variability

Ms. Julie Ertmann (University City High School, MO) has designed a standalone activity using BLAST for AP or second year high school biology students. This exercise uses BLAST and ExPASy for genetic and protein analysis of H1N1 variability, including mutations that confer resistance to antiviral medications. Development of this exercise was supported by an NSF Mathematics and Science Partnership grant #06344780, to B Schaal, Washington University in St. Louis. If you have questions about this activity, please email the author at: jertmann@ucityschools.org.

Gene Finding in Chimpanzee

A step-by-step tutorial that takes the student through a gene identification problem in a chimpanzee BAC sequence using predictions from a gene finder (Genscan), the UCSC Browser and BLAST.

From Smith-Waterman to BLAST

This lecture from Dr. Jeremy Buhler discusses the limitations of the Smith-Waterman local alignment algorithm and the heuristics used by the BLAST program in order to reduce the search space and to quickly produce high-scoring local alignments.

Chimp BAC Analysis: Genes and Pseudogene

A step-by-step tutorial that takes the student through a gene identification problem in a chimpanzee BAC sequence using predictions from a gene prediction program (Genscan), the UCSC Browser and BLAST.

Using mRNA and EST Evidence in Annotation

This exercise allows students to learn how to use mRNA and Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) evidence to assist their annotation efforts. An answer key is available for instructors.