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1. Eukaryotic Genomes and Chromatin Structure

This lecture introduces the following topics:

  • C-value paradox (2 slides)
  • explains how we first recognized that eukaryotic genomes are full of repetitious sequences by using Cot curves (11 slides; allows you to remind students about second order rate equations they learned in freshman chemistry!);
  • repeat characteristics of eukaryotic genomes (5 slides);
  • the need to package all that DNA to get it into a nucleus (3 slides);
  • the development of the nucleosome model (11 slides);
  • the relationship between nucleosome arrays and gene expression (4 slides).

Development of the nucleosome model represents a paradigm shift in our thinking about chromosomes, and slides are included pointing out how this model was initially rejected, but subsequently achieved widespread support in the scientific community.