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GEP Hybrid Assembly Walkthrough

This document illustrates how students can apply the sequence improvement protocol described in the “Sequence Improvement Protocol for GEP Hybrid Assembly Projects” document to specific problems in a D. biarmipes sequence improvement project. Specifically, the walkthrough describes techniques for correcting consensus errors and for closing gaps.

Using Consed Graphically

A training document similar to “An Introduction to Consed,” this document contains a more detailed walkthrough that explores additional functions available in Consed.

An Introduction to Consed

A walkthrough that illustrates how students can use Consed to identify problematic regions in a genome assembly and strategies students can use to address these problems.

A Guide to Consed

This document is a basic introduction to Consed, a program that allows users to visualize and manipulate a genome assembly. It provides screenshots of the various windows and points out the various functions available.

UNIX for Consed

This PowerPoint presentation discusses the basic directory structure required by Consed and the UNIX commands used to launch Consed.

D. mojavensis: Issues of Polymorphisms

This PowerPoint presentation discusses the potential sequence improvement issues caused by single nucleotide and insert polymorphisms in the D. mojavensis and D. grimshawi projects.