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Pathways Project: Annotation Report

GEP students will use the Report Form document to submit their annotation results for the Pathways Project. The Project Details Table handout will show students how to fill out the first page of the Annotation Report. The Report Form Exemplar is provided as an example of a completed report.

Pathways Project: Annotation Notebook

The Pathways Annotation Notebook will help GEP students keep track of their work as they are annotating, and then they can use the notebook to fill out the report form. This notebook does not have to be submitted to GEP, it’s just an extra resource students might find helpful.

Motif Discovery in Drosophila

This walkthrough uses FlyBase RNA-Seq Search and the MEME suite to discover motifs that are enriched in a collection of D. melanogaster Muller F element genes that show similar expression patterns.

Annotation of Conserved Motifs in Drosophila

This walkthrough uses FlyBase, FlyFactorSurvey, and Patser to identify transcription factor binding sites in the region surrounding the transcription start site of onecut in D. biarmipes.

TSS Annotation Workflow

This workflow provides an overview of the key steps and recommended search parameters for the annotation of transcription start sites.

Annotation of Transcription Start Sites in Drosophila

This walkthrough illustrates the GEP protocol for the comparative annotation of transcription start sites (TSS) in D. biarmipes. The walkthrough also includes a sample GEP TSS Report for the TSS annotation of onecut.

Searching for Transcription Start Sites in Drosophila

This PowerPoint presentation describes the recommended annotation strategy for identifying transcription start sites in Drosophila. The presentation provides an overview of the promoter architecture in D. melanogaster and describes the types of evidence that can be used to support the transcription start sites annotations.

Annotation of Other Genomic Features within the F Element Project

This presentation illustrates the unusual genomic features that GEP students have encountered as part of their annotation of Muller F Elements from Drosophila ananassae and D. bipectinata. The Muller F Elements in these two species have undergone substantial expansion compared to D. melanogaster. The presentation describes the basic strategy for identifying pseudogenes, retrogenes, partial gene duplications, pseudogene clusters, and nuclear mitochondrial DNA segments (NUMT) within these F Element annotation projects.