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4. Characteristics of the F Element

This lecture uses the themes from Slide Sets 1-3, of the “F Element Project: Annotated Lecture Slides” sequence, in describing what we have learned about the F element—combining wet-bench work in the Elgin lab, results of chromatin mapping by the modENCODE consortium, and the bioinformatics efforts of the faculty and students of the GEP. This includes the following:

  • characterization of the F element as a heterochromatic domain, high in repeated DNA but nonetheless having genes expressed at normal levels (7 slides);
  • mapping the chromatin state in relationship to the genes and to reporter transgenes inserted into the F (9 slides);
  • exploring the TSS and searching for unique factors or motifs associated with the TSSs of F element genes (6 slides);
  • introducing the “expanded F” project, describing some of the finds made looking at the F of D. ananassae, and summarizing the ongoing challenges and questions (9 slides)