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Regional Node Meeting


Southeast Regional Node Meeting – September 2022

Pictured Left to Right Top: John Stanga, Kathleen Roberts, Stephen Klusza, Tammy Dennis, Srebrenka Robic, & Laurie Stevison Bottom: Kaleb Heinrich, Laura Reed, & Sara Cline
The Southeast Regional Node held their first in-person Regional Node Meeting at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, AL on September 8th and 9th, 2022. The meeting was organized by Dr. Stephen Klusza with the invaluable help of the GEP’s Program Assistant Sarah Crocker-Buta, Dr. Laura Reed, and the Regional Node leadership of Dr. Norma Velazquez-Ulloa and Dr. Melinda Yang. The meeting was attended primarily by Southeast faculty and staff, from a mixture of Community Colleges, Minority-Serving Institutions, and R1/R2 universities. The overall goals of the meeting were to discuss implementation strategies and perform faculty training.
Projecting overview of synteny diagrams used for micropublications that include target gene and genomic neighborhood for both D. melanogaster and the target species
Dr. Laura Reed provided an update on the microPublication pipeline.
Dr. Laurie Stevison facilitated the initial modules for R programming to give faculty experience in using R and providing feedback for further module improvement.
In addition, the participants discussed multiple aspects of GEP implementation in their classes, as well as future events to build community with faculty and students, including Virtual Student Research Symposiums to be held toward the end of the Fall and Spring semesters and future in-person meetings in the Spring.
Thumbs up from John Stanga
Overall, it was a wonderful and rejuvenating experience for everyone in attendance, including GEP members who were trained virtually, during the first couple years of the pandemic. We were able to accomplish a lot in the space of a 6-hour meeting and look forward to future interactions with other Southeast Regional Node faculty as the academic year progresses.
What worked well for your event that might help others plan similar events?
Working with the Regional Node Leadership and staff allowed the organizers to easily plan out all aspects of the meeting.
What would your node do differently based on your experiences?
It is recommended that in the event of changing leadership, more time is given to the new leader to learn the process of scheduling events before actually having to do so. Event organizers essentially had a month or so to set up this meeting which went well, but it was a lot of last-minute decisions and emails.
Zoom meeting screenshot of 10 participants

New England Regional Node Meeting – January 4, 2023

Pictured Left to Right
Top: Rachel Sterne-Marr, Tom Giarla, Shallee Page, & Evan Merkhofer
Middle: Daron Barnard, Jess Crowley, Shanna Cawley, & Matthew Skerritt
Bottom: Amie Jo McClellan & Cheng-Chiang Wu
The New England Regional Node has active members in Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Upstate Eastern New York. The Regional Node Meeting was organized by the Node leader, Dr. Rachel Sterne-Marr, with help from Dr. Daron Barnard, and was held virtually, on January 4, 2023. There were ten attendees in total.

The six historical regulars:
Veteran GEPer, Dr. Matthew Skerritt from SUNY Corning Community College, Corning, NY, and three newly-minted GEP members, Dr. Jessica Crowley and Dr. Shanna Cawley, (Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA), and Cheng-Chiang Wu, (Framingham State University, Framingham, MA) joined as well. Quinsigamond CC and Framingham State are Minority-Serving Institutions. With three new GEP members, this meeting focused on facilitating first-time implementation of GEP materials and projects.

As such, there were talks in the following four areas:
  • GEP Implementation at the Freshmen level (Amie)
  • GEP Implementation in Sophomore level genetics course (Shanna, Matthew and Rachel)
  • GEP Implementation in Junior/Senior molecular biology, bioinformatics and genomics courses with and without wet lab components (Shallee, Tom, Evan)
  • GEP Implementation in independent research (Shallee, Tom, Evan)

Requested resources were then posted on our Node Trello Board. The group committed to having an In-Person Regional Node Meeting with student presentations in January 2024 and Evan graciously agreed to join the node leadership in Summer 2023. Finally, Rachel gave an update on her collaborative efforts with Dr. Nate Mortimer, entitled ‘Proteomic Analysis of the Drosophila Immune Response to Parasitoid Wasp Infection.’ 

What worked well for your event that might help others plan similar events?
The general timing had previously been agreed upon by the node members.

What would your node do differently based on your experiences?
Hold it in person with undergraduate presenters, which was the original goal.
Jacob Kagey projecting slide on Fly-CURE, Research Coordination Network (RCN) which shows a U.S. map with several institutions listed across the country

NY/NJ Regional Node Meeting – September 23, 2022

The New York and New Jersey Regional Node hosted an in-person workshop on how to develop a research based laboratory course on September 23, 2022 at Baruch College, a constituent college of the City University of New York (CUNY) system. Five GEP members and one prospective member attended the event. Dr. Jacob Kagey, GEP faculty member and guest speaker from the Midwest Regional Node, gave a seminar entitled “Moving lab into the classroom” that focused on how to move research into the classroom, publishing and disseminating that work, and assessing student outcomes. Dr. Jacob Kagey leads a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) based research project as part of the Science Education Alliance – Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science (SEA-PHAGES) research sequence at the University of Detroit-Mercy. Following lunch, all participants informally presented their ideas for new CUREs and discussed logistics for implementation.
What worked well for your event that might help others plan similar events?

The speaker was great and well received. Discussion regarding planning future CUREs went well and there was a lot of participation. Baruch College provided their conference center room for free, since the majority of the attendees were Baruch College faculty.

What would your Regional Node do differently based on your experiences?

The plan always was to have the entire event in-person, and everyone had RSVP’d with the understanding that the event would be held in-person; however, several members got COVID prior to the event, thus resulting in lower attendance. Participation was also down because people who were supposed to come in person did not feel comfortable to come after a recent event where someone told us afterwards that they were COVID positive. In retrospect, a virtual option should’ve been made available and planned accordingly, given that we were in the middle of a pandemic. 

GEP Southeast Regional Node Meeting virtual via laptop computer

Southeast Regional Node Meeting – April 21, 2023

The GEP’s Southeast Regional Node held its Spring 2023 Regional Node Meeting virtually on Friday, April 21st, with 20 participants from Alabama and Georgia, representing the University of Alabama, Clayton State University, Columbus State University, and Agnes Scott College. The keynote speaker Dr. Avery Davis Bell, a postdoc in Dr. Annalise Paaby’s lab at Georgia Tech, gave a fascinating talk on how genetic variation in different wildtype strains of C. elegans nematodes display striking divergence in transcriptomic responses to RNAi-mediated knockdown of par-1, indicating that downstream effects of RNAi knockdowns in the N2 reference strain are not necessarily recapitulated in other wildtype strains. In addition, Dr. Bell gave a wonderful account of her journey in academia, going from wet-lab work to computational biology due to disability, and tips and tricks for undergraduates and graduate students to find the right mentors and labs that will support them. Following the keynote address, Dr. Laura Reed and Dr. Brian Schwartz moderated the breakout rooms for students to give 5-minute presentations on gene annotation of multiple genes in the insulin signaling pathway, with some really surprising results. Students from Dr. Reed’s lab, Dr. Schwartz’s lab, and Dr. Srebrenka Robic’s lab presented their GEP-related research. Overall, this 2-hour event was highly successful in fostering stronger connections within the Southeast Regional Node on behalf of the students and faculty, as well as interacting with such an inspirational talk from Dr. Bell on genomics in C. elegans.

What worked well for your event that might help others plan similar events?

Working closely with Regional Nodes’ leadership via check-in meetings.

What worked well for your event that might help others plan similar events?

The virtual event itself was fine. There were still some issues with low participation from GEP Southeast Node faculty overall that requires more introspection on how to increase engagement in a virtual forum.
Members took a group selfie while working in the lab

NY/NJ Regional Node Meeting – June 3, 2022

NEW YORK, NY, June 3, 2022.

The New York and New Jersey Regional Node had a one-day, professional development event hosted by Dr. Shubha Govind at City College New York.

Dr. Johnny Ramroop and undergraduate Jennifer Chou trained GEP members on working with parasitoid wasps. Following an introductory lecture, GEP members dissected Drosophila larvae infected with wasp eggs and larvae.

Node members using lab equipment to dissect infected fly larvae

Confocal microscopy images of Drosophila hemocytes stained with nuclear and cytoplasmic markers



Drosophila hemocytes were collected, stained with nuclear and cytoplasmic markers, and observed using confocal microscopy.

Members sitting around conference table while eating lunch


Following lunch, members discussed curriculum successes and frustrations from the past year. Possible node initiatives such as Node-based student teaching assistants and virtual professor office hours, when teaching annotation in the same semester, were proposed and 2022-2023 Node events were planned.

Since the Node event fell on a day when Alumni Workshop 2022 events were planned, we were able to join the virtual event together as a watch party. 

What worked well for your event that might help others plan similar events? 

Probably would have been better to use a conference room or a classroom for the hybrid sessions, difficulty getting multiple computers online, plugged in (if we had used rooms typically used for this function, would not have had to try to plan for extra extension cords, etc.)

What lessons were learned from challenges in the planning or execution of the event that might be helpful to others? 

Personal emails to new members to encourage them to come, rather than group email blast.

Carolinas Regional Node Meeting April 22, 2022

Carolinas Regional Node Meeting – April 22, 2022

The Carolinas Regional Node Meeting was held virtually on Friday, April 22, 2022, 9:00am-12:15pm (ET). The meeting kicked off with brief welcome remarks by Jeff French, a Node member from North Greenville University, SC, who also introduced our keynote speaker. Nate Mortimer from Illinois State University, who leads the Parasitoid Wasps Project in the GEP, gave an inspiring talk on “Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Parasitoid Wasps of Drosophila.” We had a break between 9:50-10am to allow for preparation for students’ presentations. Right before diving on these, Marisol Santisteban from UNC at Pembroke, current Carolinas Node leader, gave a brief introduction to the GEP and acquainted attendees with the organization: membership, different modes of participation, and the projects that are currently pursued. 

Engaging presentations by five students from South Wesleyan University (Michelle Eller, advisor) and Appalachian State University (Clare Scott Chialvo, advisor) took us into the intricacies of their projects in the Insulin Signaling Pathways Project and in an emerging new project on detoxification genes, and the challenges of manual annotation of species closely related to D. melanogaster, such as D. immigrants. After a break from 11-11:15, the last hour of the day was a professional development event geared towards students. The “Careers in Genomics” panel hosted 5 experts from different Genomics fields, with different levels of education (not all PhDs), and not all from academia. All panelists were female and from diverse backgrounds. Four of the five panelists also work in North Carolina which shows our Carolinas students that there is a future for them in this field that’s also close to home. Sabrina Powell, Education Program Director of the Precision Medicine in Health Care in the Department of Genetics at UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine generously helped assemble this extraordinary array of experts and prepared a fictional but realistic scenario about a 3-year-old boy diagnosed with autism, who is referred to the UNC Genetics Clinic for further testing. The testing reveals two specific variants in Mateo’s exome, one which is known to cause a specific subtype of autism and another which is associated with a high risk of adult-onset dementia. There was a role for professionals at each of our panelists’ positions:

  • Kate Foreman, CGC, Genetic Counselor (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill);
  • Meghan Halley, PhD, MPH, Senior Research Scholar (Center for Biomedical Ethics, Stanford University);
  • Julie Horvath, PhD, Head of Genomics & Microbiology Research Lab (NC Museum of Natural Sciences) and Research Associate Professor, Biological and Biomedical Sciences (NC Central University);
  • Halina Krzystek, Bioinformaticist, Bioinformatics Data Services, Q-Squared Solutions; and
  • Janae Simons, Bioinformatics Software Developer (Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).

The meeting was attended by 34  people, of which 8 were undergraduate students, and three Community College instructors, two if which had expressed interest in knowing more about GEP and had been invited to New Member Trainings.

Zoom Meeting Room screenshot of participants

What worked well for your event that might help others plan similar events?

Using the opportunity that came with the “online” format we were able to host an outstanding keynote speaker (our very own Nate Mortimer from Illinois State University) and panel of experts in different fields of genomics for our “Careers in Genomics” panel; many were in North Carolina, but we had a person from Stanford. It would not have been possible to assemble this array of experts if it had been an in-person event. I would recommend some “professional development” event for students, like the “Careers in Genomics” panel that we had. We hosted individuals in different fields, with different education degrees (not all PhDs), and not all from academia. I believe the students really found this session interesting and useful. Making a program and emailing it to all participants was a plus and we also emailed certificates to the student presenters which is a nice touch of appreciation.

What lessons were learned from challenges in the planning or execution of the event that might be helpful to others?

It is hard to come up with the “perfect” date. We considered weekday vs. weekend, all day vs. half a day, mid semester vs. late in the semester. We finally settled on a Friday because they tend to be lighter days for students, and only half a day (morning). We did it towards the end of the semester, so students would have made enough progress in their projects to present. Considering that Node meetings will be in-person in the future, I would recommend a weekend, maybe start on Friday evening with posters and maybe the keynote speaker and then talks on Saturday morning and some professional development event. Some people may choose to attend only one day but they won’t be a full day. Or maybe make it a whole day event on Saturday. Keeping some form of hybrid might be useful, especially for the keynote speaker or panels, because that allows inviting speakers that are not geographically close to the Node. 
As far as the execution, it is still hard to keep everyone engaged and have them turn on their cameras and ask questions. So as much as possible, I would recommend holding the student presentations in-person and if online, encourage folks to have their cameras on, and incentivize asking question with some form of reward. We provided a short bio of the panelist in the program that was emailed to the registrants the night before. If possible, do that earlier, so people may think of some questions to ask ahead, and openly ask them to try to do so.

Some students reported not receiving a link for the meeting, but they registered only minutes before the start of the meeting. If you plan to leave the registration open till the very start of the meeting, make sure someone in the Node does a last sweep. Ask the GEP staff to give access to registration to someone in the Node.

Keep the GEP staff in the loop for everything planning, they are incredible resourceful, helpful and efficient!

Southeast Regional Node Meeting April 22, 2022

Southeast Regional Node Meeting April 22, 2022

Twelve undergraduate students shared their recent research annotating genes as part of the Pathways Project at the third semi-annual virtual Southeast Regional Node Meeting and research symposium on April 22, 2022. The event began with an engaging talk by Dr. Rebecca Varney, Postdoc at the University of California—Santa Barbara, on how gene annotation efforts can be especially helpful when working with non-model organisms.

How to crack a chiton: new challenges for gene annotation in non-model organisms Rebecca M. Varney University of California Santa Barabara Postdoc Twitter @RebeccaMVarney website: rebeccavarney.com
New York & New Jersey Regional Node Meeting March 5, 2022

NY/NJ Regional Node Meeting – March 5, 2022

The New York and New Jersey (NY/NJ) Node held a virtual Regional Node Meeting (RNM) on March 5, 2022, in which seven GEP members were in attendance. Dr. Nate Mortimer provided an introductory seminar on the Parasitoid Wasps Project which was followed by a walkthrough of all the project materials. Members learned how to sign-up for an annotation project, how to find the Genome Browser, which Browser tracks were important for the annotation and what types of evidence the tracks contain. Most importantly, members learned how to annotate genes without a good gene model from a closely related species. Overall, attendees thought it was a great way to get excited to implement this new project and teaching genomics.

CalNeAr Regional Node Meeting January 12, 2022

CalNeAr Regional Node Meeting – January 12, 2022

The CalNear node, which covers California, Nevada, and Arizona, had a virtual node meeting on January 12, 2022. The meeting was organized by Claudia Uhde-Stone (Node Leader), Chelsey Mckenna (Node Co-Leader), and Alexa Sawa.

The 19 attendees included 16 faculty, 1 undergraduate and 2 graduate students from 11 institutions (California State University, East Bay, College of Southern Nevada, College of the Desert, Chabot College, San Jose State University, Washington University in St Louis, California State University Northridge, California State University Los Angeles, Vanguard University, Central Arizona College, California Northstate University).

Sessions at the Regional Node Meeting included:

  • Introduction to GEP (Alexa Sawa)
  • Graduate student talks presenting GEP CURE data
  • Undergraduate student talk on benefits of being involved in GEP, and becoming a teaching assistant
  • Q&A session
  • GEP implementation in courses (Claudia Uhde-Stone)

The event was geared to inform and raise interest; we hope that some participants may have been inspired to join our GEP community.
Southeast Regional Node Meeting November 12, 2021

Southeast Regional Node Meeting – November 12, 2021

The GEP Southeast Regional Node held a virtual meeting on November 12, 2021, with 43 students and faculty in attendance, representing colleges and universities from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee. Keynote speaker Dr. Sarthok Rahman, a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Alabama, discussed how bumblebees got their colors. His address described scales of life ranging from molecular to ecological, including aspects of epigenetics, gene mapping, signal transduction, developmental biology, convergent evolution, Müllerian mimicry, biogeography, and more. Dr. Sarthok’s presentation exemplified how high-quality genome annotations are useful for comparative genomics.

After the keynote address and ensuing discussion, the 30 undergraduates were divided into two breakout rooms, where they presented their research as five-minute talks. Students shared their challenges, progress, and results in reconciling, annotating coding sequences, and annotating promoter regions.

Students reported that the annotation projects have been a valuable introduction to the world of bioinformatics and participating in our Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience has helped them to make order and sense from overwhelming amounts of data. Faculty reported that it was interesting to hear a broad diversity of student talks.

The two-hour event continued a series of community-building Southeast Regional Node events. We look forward to seeing faculty and hearing from more students at the next meeting!