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Annotation of Drosophila Primer

This PowerPoint presentation provides a brief primer on the recommended annotation strategy for Drosophila projects. The presentation provides an overview of the goals of the GEP annotation project, an introduction to RNA-Seq, web databases, and a discussion on the phases of the splice donor and acceptor sites.

Browser-Based Annotation and RNA-Seq Data

This exercise continues your introduction to practical issues in comparative annotation. You will be annotating genomic sequence from the dot chromosome of Drosophila mojavensis using your knowledge of BLAST and some improved visualization tools. You will also consider how best to integrate information from high-throughput sequencing of expressed RNA.

Introduction to BLAST using Human Leptin

Dr. Justin R. DiAngelo (Penn State Berks) and Dr. Alexis Nagengast (Widener University) have developed an exercise that introduces students to the basic functionality of the NCBI web site and NCBI BLAST. Students will use NCBI BLAST to identify the putative orthologs of the human Leptin gene in other species.

Annotation Unix Worksheet

Exercise that uses UNIX tools (command-line BLAST and RepeatMasker) for gene annotations.

Introduction to UNIX Exercise

A simple exercise on using simple Unix commands to navigate to different directories and manipulate files.

Common Finishing Errors

This PowerPoint presentation describes the common errors observed in student finishing projects.