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Dye Chemistry Characteristics

This document illustrates some of the advantages and potential problems with the BigDye and dGTP chemistries.

Common Misassembly Protocols

This document describes a list of protocols that are frequently used to resolve misassembly.

GEP Misassembly Tools User Guide

This document describes the list of tools developed by the GEP to facilitate incorporation of additional reads from the NCBI Trace Archive into a sequence improvement project. This document shows how to install the tools, and illustrates their use in two case studies (walkthroughs) of challenging fosmid assemblies.

A Guide to Consed

This document is a basic introduction to Consed, a program that allows users to visualize and manipulate a genome assembly. It provides screenshots of the various windows and points out the various functions available.

GenBank Accession Number Reference Sheet

This document describes the naming conventions used by NCBI. Students can use these naming conventions to quickly evaluate the type and the reliability of the sequences in the NCBI database.