Common Annotation Errors
This PowerPoint presentation describes the common errors observed in student annotations.
This PowerPoint presentation describes the common errors observed in student annotations.
This is a PowerPoint presentation describing the recommended strategies for annotating a D. virilis fosmid. The homology-based annotation strategy should also be applicable to annotation of D. erecta and D. mojavensis projects.
This PowerPoint presentation describes the recommended annotation strategy for Drosophila projects. The presentation provides an overview of the goals of the GEP annotation project, an introduction to NCBI BLAST, web databases, and the issue of reading frames and phase.
Similar to the Lecture Notes on Alignment, this is a PowerPoint presentation given by Dr. Jeremy Buhler for the GEP faculty and TA workshops. This presentation covers the basics of alignment, essential for students to correctly interpret BLAST results.
This PowerPoint presentation provides a brief primer on the recommended annotation strategy for Drosophila projects. The presentation provides an overview of the goals of the GEP annotation project, an introduction to RNA-Seq, web databases, and a discussion on the phases of the splice donor and acceptor sites.
PowerPoint presentation with instructions for running BLAST, RepeatMasker, and the BLAST output viewer Herne on the command-line.
The lecture notes from a presentation by Bob Fulton point out some of the more advanced features of Consed, the base caller phred, and the assembler phrap. This document should be read after students have some experience using Consed but before they begin working on their fosmids.
This PowerPoint presentation explains our strategy, detailing the source of the raw sequence data for the D. grimshawi dot chromosome.
This PowerPoint presentation provides a general overview of the hybrid assemblies produced by the Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center as part of the Drosophila modENCODE project. This presentation provides a brief introduction to the source of the raw sequence data and the protocol used by BCM-HGSC to construct the draft D. biarmipes genome assemblies.