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Online Training: Summer 2020

To help biology faculty with the transition to online teaching, we have increased our online training opportunities in summer 2020. The online training will help faculty integrate GEP curriculum materials into existing courses, and to engage students in scientific research through Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) centered in genomics. These training sessions will be led by current GEP faculty and staff. Each session will meet for ~1.5 hours each weekday during the two week period. Once we have a firm list of trainees for a given session, we’ll send out a poll to determine the meeting time that works for everyone.
To help biology faculty with the transition to online teaching, we have increased our online training opportunities in summer 2020. The online training will help faculty integrate GEP curriculum materials into existing courses, and to engage students in scientific research through Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) centered in genomics.
Session 1: June 15 – June 26
Session 2: June 29 – July 10
Session 3: July 13 – July 24
Session 4: July 27 – August 7
These training sessions will be led by current GEP faculty and staff. Each session will meet for ~1.5 hours each weekday during the two week period. Once we have a firm list of trainees for a given session, we’ll send out a poll to determine the meeting time that works for everyone. Contact us for more information. 


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