The New York and New Jersey (NY/NJ) Node held a virtual Regional Node Meeting (RNM) on March 5, 2022, in which seven GEP members were in attendance. Dr. Nate Mortimer provided an introductory seminar on the Parasitoid Wasps Project which was followed by a walkthrough of all the project materials. Members learned how to sign-up for an annotation project, how to find the Genome Browser, which Browser tracks were important for the annotation and what types of evidence the tracks contain. Most importantly, members learned how to annotate genes without a good gene model from a closely related species. Overall, attendees thought it was a great way to get excited to implement this new project and teaching genomics.

Minnesota/Iowa/Dakotas Regional Node Meeting – November 22, 2024
We had 7 GEP faculty, 5 prospective faculty, 1 graduate student, 12 other faculty and administrators, and 56 undergraduate students attend the MN/IA/Dakotas Node Event with representation from Anoka Ramsey Community College, Saint Catherine University, North Hennepin Community College, Crown College, Wartburg College, Bemidji State University, Minneapolis Community & Technical College, University of Minnesota, Carleton College, Normandale Community College, Bethel University, and Mayo Clinic.