Impact of GEP CURE on Student’s Scientific Journey

GEP member Aparna Sreenivasan (CSU Monterey Bay) facilitated a Faculty Workshop at CSUPERB 2021 on “Student Voice and Choice: How CUREs Develop Student Agency.” Part of the workshop was a series of short presentations by students on how participation in Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) had changed their lives. This video presentation was created by former GEP student Michael Diaz. Michael not only participated in the GEP CURE, but he also served as a GEP Teaching Assistant (TA).


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GEP Regional Node Meeting Virtual

Midwest Regional Node Meeting – April 25, 2024

The Midwest Regional Node held a virtual Research Symposium for students involved in Bioinformatics research through the GEP on Thursday, April 25, 2024. Twelve faculty and nine undergraduate students were in attendance.

GEP website announcement: We have added GEP articles in microPublication Biology to our website.

Micropublications Now Live on Our Site

To speed up dissemination and create publishing opportunities for undergraduate students, GEP is collaborating with microPublication Biology to establish an integrated workflow for citable peer-reviewed gene model reports.

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