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Curriculum Updates Spring 2021

Double check that you’re using the most updated version of curriculum!

49 of the GEP curriculum materials have been revised so that they are consistent with FlyBase release 6.37 and changes to NCBI BLAST.

19 additional GEP curriculum materials were reviewed but they do not require revisions.

You can find the most recent version of curriculum items on the GEP Curriculum Search or by searching for the title of the item in the “Search” box at the top of the GEP website.

The Understanding Eukaryotic Genes modules were also updated to conform to the new GEP style guide. Over the coming months, Katie will be working to update formatting of all “active” GEP curriculum including adding alternative text to the figures. Katie would like to hear what members think about the formatting change before she proceeds to reformatting other curriculum items.

Wilson developed five new user guides for the GEP annotation tools that are based on version 2.0 of the tools, and they include examples from the Pathways Project. The user guides and the tools tutorial videos created by the GEP TAs are available through the GEP Help Resources page on the GEP website.


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